General hospital information 731 8111 E-P kell 8.00-19.00, pühade ajal ja 31.12 kell 8.00-16.00
Department of Oral Surgery provides the following services:
Patients requiring emergency oral surgery are requested to arrive for their appointments in the morning. Kindly preregister your emergency appointment by calling: 731 9889
Scheduling the appointment with an oral surgeon
Coming to your appointment
Please bring:
1. previous oral and maxillofacial X-ray scans (both 2D and 3D scans).
2. letters of medical necessities from the other specialists
3. previous test results
Emergency care
Services provided by the department are payable by the patient, except for emergency dental care. Additional information:
Tartu University Hospital is a teaching hospital where dental students are involved in service rendering. Their services come with a 40% discount.
Please schedule your appointment by calling 731 9100.
Instructions for wound care at home:
In case of severe conditions (facial and jawbone fractures, open wounds in the face area) please approach the Emergency Medicine Department at L. Puusepa 8 (ER)!
The information on emergency dental care and emergency care patients is derived from the questionnaire completed at the reception.
*Medical services to children under 19 years of age are covered by the Estonian Health Insurance Foundation.
Non-emergency patients will receive the instructions to schedule a planned dental or oral surgeon appointment or will receive payable services.
Please ask your physician or nurse for additional information on the nature and cost of the procedure at the beginning of the appointment.