Antenatal care
Antenatal care
The outpatient clinic reception at Tartu University Hospital Women’s Clinic is located at 8 L. Puusepa Street, building G2 and is open from Monday to Friday, 7:30-19:00. Before the appointment please take a queue number and stay in the waiting area until called by the administrator who will give you further information and instructions for the appointment. Please bring along a document to confirm your identity (passport or ID-card).
If you are scheduled for ultrasound screening only or you come for blood tests pre-ordered by your doctor/midwife then you can proceed without visiting reception.
Blood tests are done in the procedure room, G2-159 („Protseduurid“). opening hours from Monday to Friday at 8:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00. Please have your personal barcode stickers for blood tests with you.
Urine tests should be labelled with your personal barcode sticker and you need to add date and time when the sample was taken by yourself. Please leave your sample in room G2-155 („Inva-WC/uriinianalüüside ruum“) from Monday to Friday, 8:00-10:00 if not instructed otherwise.
Fetal cardiotocography or CTG is a procedure for recording the fetal heartbeat and the uterine contractions during pregnancy. Procedure lasts about 30 minutes and it is scheduled only if your doctor or midwife finds it necessary. You will be informed about the procedure at your appointment. For CTG please go to room G2-158 („Kardiotokograafia“), the midwife is available next door (room G2-159, blood tests). When the recording is completed please return to your doctor/midwife.
Ultrasound screening. Tartu University Hospital Women’s Clinic has three ultrasound rooms (G2-163, 165, 167). You will be scheduled for the screening by your doctor/midwife according to the antenatal care guideline.
1. I trimester ultrasound screening (12-13 weeks of pregnancy; it is done to estimate fetal anatomy and the risk of a chromosome defect related diseases).
2. II trimester ultrasound screening (19-21 weeks of pregnancy; to estimate fetal anatomy and development).
3. III trimester ultrasound is done only when necessary (preganancy complications, need to monitore fetal growth, multiple pregnancy etc).
Further information
You can schedule additional 2D or 3D ultrasound screening(s), but this is not covered by health insurance and you have to pay for it. If you want the pictures to be recorded on CD you will be charged extra. You should inform the doctor if so before the screening begins. Best time for the 3D ultrasound is between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy but even then it’s not always possible to get good pictures (due to baby’s position, for example). It is not allowed to take pictures or tape video during the ultrasound screening and it is not possible to get pictures printed on paper. You can schedule an extra appointment by calling the reception phone 731 9100.
Family education classes (mostly in Estonian, some in English and Russian) take place online. There are classes about delivery, breastfeeding, how to take care of the newborn etc. Information PEREKOOL and registration Perekooli loengute ajakava. Registreerimine.
Medical emergency. In case of pregnancy related medical emergency you have to come to the Women’s Clinic reception from Monday to Friday 8:00-18:30. Please tell the administrator about your problem/condition and she will schedule an emergency appointment for you the same day. If you happen to have an emergency situation during the evening hours after 18:30/night time/weekend you have to go to the Accident and Emergency Department (EMO). You find the entrance at Puusepa street, L. Puusepa 8, M-korpus, I floor. („Erakorralise meditsiini osakond“)

If your condition is extremely serious please call an ambulance – call 112.
- Visiting hours at the women’s clinic are 17:00-19:00. Up to two visitors without any illness symptoms are allowed to visit. Please leave the outdoor clothing in the wardrobe when you come to visit. Children are not allowed to visit.
- Up to two birth partners are allowed to accompany women giving birth, and only one birthing partner can stay in the postnatal ward (family room).
- One birthing partner without any illness symptoms is allowed for planned caesarean section.
- One companion can attend the ultrasound scan with you.