1. Kakkar, AK.; Agnelli, G.; Fisher, W.; George, D.; Lassen, MR.; Mismetti, P.; Mouret, P.; Murphy, J.; Lawson, F.; Turpie, AG.; SAVE-ABDO Investigators (Soplepmann, J.; etc). Preoperative enoxaparin versus postoperative semuloparin thromboprophylaxis in major abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2014;259: 1073-9.
2. Reima H, Saar H, Innos K, Soplepmann J. Methylene blue intra-arterial staining of resected colorectal cancer specimens improves accuracy of nodal staging: A randomized controlled trial. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2016;42:1642-6.
3. Soplepmann J, Laidre P. Teenage colorectal polyposis and cancer may be caused by constitutional mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD). Acta Oncol 2016;55:1503-5.
4. Innos K, Reima H, Baburin A, Paapsi K, Aareleid T, Soplepmann J. Subsite- and stage-specific colorectal cancer trends in Estonia prior to implementation of screening. Cancer Epidemiology 2018;53:112-9.
5. Heigo Reima, Jaan Soplepmann, Anneli Elme, Mari Lõhmus, Rena Tiigi, Denis Uksov, Kaire Innos. Changes in the quality of care of colorectal cancer in Estonia: a population-based high-resolution study. BMJ Open 2020;10:e035556. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-035556.
6. Heigo Reima, Jaan Soplepmann, Kaire Innos. Stage-specific survival differences between colon cancer subsites: a population-based study.
Acta Oncologica 2021: DOI: 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1987515
7. Peters M, Mikeltadze I, Karro H, Saare M, Estonian Biobank Research Team, Salumets A, Mägi R, Laisk T. Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome: similarities and differences in the spectrum of comorbidities.
Human Reproduction. 2022 Aug 25;37(9):2186-2196. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deac140.
8. Saare M, Lawarde A, Modhukur V, Mikeltadze I, Karro H, Minajeva A, Salumets A, Peters M. The expression pattern of endometrial receptivity genes is desynchronized between endometrium and matched endometriomas. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2022 Oct;45(4):713-720.
doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2022.05.028
9. Oselin K, Kaplinski, L., Jääger A, Valter A, Puurand T, Almre I, Remm M, Vanakesa T. Comparative Genomic Analysis to Distinguish Triple Metachronous Lung Carcinoma from Metastatic Recurrence: Brief Report on First Case Treated with Three Consecutive VATS Lobectomies. Annals of Medical and Clinical Oncology 2023; 5:145. DOI:https://doi.org/10.29011/2833-3497.000145
10. Roht, L., Laidre, P., Tooming, M., Tõnisson, N., Nõukas, M., Nurm, M., Roomere, H.,
Rekker, K., Toome, K., Fjodorova, O., Murumets, Ü., Šamarina, U., Pajusalu, S., Aaspõllu, A., Salumäe, L., Muhu, K., Soplepmann, J., Õunap, K., & Kahre, T. (2023). The Prevalence and Molecular Landscape of Lynch Syndrome in the Affected and General Population. Cancers, 15(14). https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers15143663
11. Mikeltadze, I; Täär, K; Kadastik, Ü; Soplepmann, P; Rull, K. (2023) Validation of the short forms of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory and the Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire in Estonian. International Urogynecology Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s00192-023-05532-2.
12. Padrik P, Soplepmann J, Hussar K, Teras J, Teras M, Putnik K, Ojamaa K, Adamson A, Saretok M. Kliinilise auditi „Naha melanoomi diagnostika ja ravi 2012. Aastal esmashaigestunud patsientidel“ kokkuvõte. Eesti Arst 2014;93:445-7.
13. Laidre P, Soplepmann J, Uibo O, Raime K, Yakoreva M, Mirka G, Roomere H, Õunap K. Perekondlik adenomatoosne polüpoos: ülevaade ja ühe perekonna haigusjuht. Eesti Arst 2015;94:38-43.
14. Laidre P, Soplepmann J. Pärilik vähk: diagnoos kinnitatud 23 aastat hiljem. Eesti Arst 2016;95:610-3.
15. Soplepmann J. Vaikne tapja kõhunäärme- ehk pankreasevähk. Perearst 2022;8:20-2.
16. Jaan Kirss, Andri Jääger, Kaur Liivak, Jüri Kivimäe. Soolepidamatuse ravi sakraalse neuromodulatsiooniga. Eesti Arst 2022;101(2):101–106.
17. Autorite kollektiivis Jaan Soplepmann, Taavi Põdramägi, Jaak Lehtsaar. Vähitõrje tegevuskava 2021-2030. Tallinn: Sotsiaalministeerium, Tervise Arengu Instituut; 2021.