- Clinics
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Clinic
- Genetics and Personalized Medicine Clinic
- Haematology and Oncology Clinic
- Surgery Clinic
- Lung Clinic
- Ear Clinic
- Children’s Clinic
- Andrology Clinic
- Dermatology Clinic
- Women’s Clinic
- Neurology Clinic
- Psychiatry Clinic
- Radiology Clinic
- Eye Clinic
- Internal Medicine Clinic
- Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
- Clinic of Dentistry
- Heart Clinic
- Orthopaedics Clinic
- Services
Radiology Clinic
L. Puusepa 8, G.1.R
The Radiology Clinic of Tartu University Hospital conducts radiological examinations to other clinics and partners outside the Hospital. The Radiology Clinic performs ultrasound diagnostics, X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, nuclear medicine, and procedural radiology.
Maarjamõisa Department, L. Puusepa 8, G.1.R | |
731 8377 | Information and registration for examinations (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) |
731 9411 | Information and registration for mammography (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) |
731 8371 5331 8371 | Radiologist on duty |
Maarjamõisa Hospital, L. Puusepa 1a | |
731 9116 | Information and registration for an X-ray examination |
731 9100 | Registration for an ultrasound examination |
731 9114 | Information about ultrasound examinations |
731 9113 | Information and registration for echocardiography |
Children’s Clinic, N. Lunini 6 | |
731 9100 | Registration for an ultrasound examination |
731 9514 | Information and registration for an X-ray examination |
731 9523 | Information about ultrasound examinations |
Lung Clinic, Riia 167 | |
731 8987 | Information and registration for an ultrasound examination |
Women’s Clinic, L. Puusepa 8 | |
731 9100 | Registration for an ultrasound examination |
731 9970 | Information about ultrasound examinations |
Department of Angiography L.Puusepa 8 | |
731 8484 | Information and registration for examinations (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) |
Department of Nuclear Medicine L.Puusepa 8 | |
731 8470 | Information and registration for examinations (Mon–Fri 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) |
The Radiology Clinic includes:
Head of the Department | Toomas Hermlin | 731 8480 | toomas.hermlin@kliinikum.ee
Secretary | Marika Gordon | 731 8481 | marika.gordon@kliinikum.eeHead of the Department | Tiina Kärner | 731 8673 | tiina.karner@kliinikum.ee
Head of the Department | Jaanika Paemre | 731 8564 | jaanika.paemre@kliinikum.ee
Pilvi Ilves
Head of the Clinic
731 8300, 5331 8300
Terje Markus
Chief Nurse
731 8370, 5331 8370
Annely Ahi
731 9660
Liina Kure
731 9660