Andrology Clinic

L. Puusepa 1a, third floor

Register for an out-patient treatment by calling 731 9100, by sending an e-mail to or via the national digital registration system.

The Andrology Clinic of Tartu University Hospital is the largest specialist health care provider for men in the Baltic and Nordic countries. We offer the highest level of complex care for all men’s diseases. In addition to Tartu, the Andrological Clinic has centres in Tallinn, Narva and Pärnu.

Tartu Centre
L. Puusepa 1a Map
Phone 731 9323

Tallinn Centre
Sepapaja 12/1
Phone 731 8004

Pärnu Centre
Seedri 6, first floor
Room 200 (Health Centre) Map
Phone 731 9441

Narva Centre
Linda 2, entrance on Kerese street, III floor Map
Phone 731 7223

Kristjan Pomm
Head of the Clinic
731 8209

Aive Hopfeldt
731 9323

Mailis Sütt
731 9323