Children’s Clinic

L. Puusepa 8, wing M
Doctor on duty: 731 9512

Register for an out-patient treatment by calling 731 9100 or via the national digital registration system.

The Children’s Clinic of Tartu University Hospital deals with children from their birth until they turn 18. The clinic’s doctors offer specialised treatment for children in a variety of disciplines. You can also book an appointment with a nurse. A referral from a family physician is required to register for the appointment.

The Emergency Department of the Children’s Clinic provides emergency outpatient specialist care to children (except for health problems and traumas requiring surgical intervention). The doctor on duty provides emergency care 24 hours a day. Depending on the need for emergency care, children’s emergency care is also provided in the following clinics/departments:

Call the doctor on duty (phone 731 9512) of the Children’s Clinic or the nurse on duty in the Emergency Department (phone 731 8183) to determine the most appropriate clinic/department for your child’s health problem!

The Children’s Clinic includes:

  • L. Puusepa 8, Wings M, II floor

    Head of the Centre | Tiia Voor | 731 9603 |
    Head Nurse | Tiiu Vaher | 731 9017 |

  • L. Puusepa 8, Wings M, II floor

    731 9100 Registration for rehabilitation

    Head of the Centre | Tiina Lind | 731 9644 |
    Head Nurse | Tiiu Vaher | 731 9017 |
    Secretary | Aile Luts | 731 9645 |

  • L. Puusepa 8, Wings M, III floor

    731 9613 Nurse on duty
    731 9933 Nurse on duty

    Head of the Department | Annika Tiit-Vesingi |
    Head Nurse | Saale Koonik | 731 9611 |
    Secretary | Maarja Lombiots | 731 9601 |

  • L. Puusepa 8, Wings M, V floor

    731 9643 Nurse on duty

    Scheduled and emergency patients are admitted to the clinic at L. Puusepa 8, Wing M. After being hospitalised, you will be referred to the department. The parent or caregiver of the child is subject to an in-patient fee: EUR 2.50 for a parent of a child of up to 10 years old and EUR 20 (without meals) and EUR 26.50 (with meals) for a parent of a child older than 10 years (or for an uninsured parent). There is no in-patient fee for a parent of a child under 1 year of age and a child in the intensive care ward. The in-patient fee includes 4 meals per day and a bed. To ensure you have a bed, coordinate your stay with the department in advance.

    Head of the Department | Piia Jõgi | 731 9640 |
    Head Nurse | Marika Metsoja | 731 9631 |
    Secretary | Malle Kalk | 731 9634 |

  • L. Puusepa 8, Wings M, IV floor

    731 9573 Nurse on duty, first floor
    731 9583 Nurse on duty, third floor

    Scheduled and emergency patients are admitted to the clinic at L. Puusepa 8, Wing M. After being hospitalised, you will be referred to the department. The parent or caregiver of the child is subject to an in-patient fee: EUR 2.50 for a parent of a child of up to 10 years old and EUR 20 (without meals) and EUR 26.50 (with meals) for a parent of a child older than 10 years (or for an uninsured parent). There is no in-patient fee for a parent of a child under 1 year of age and a child in the intensive care ward. The in-patient fee includes 4 meals per day and a bed. To ensure you have a bed, coordinate your stay with the department in advance.

    Head of the Department | Jaanika Ilisson | 731 9572 |
    Head Nurse | Airi Tenno | 731 9581 |
    Secretary | Dagmar Ojaste | 731 9588 |

prof Tuuli Metsvaht
Head of the Clinic
731 9500, 731 9552

Evelyn Evert
Chief Nurse
731 9510, 5331 9510

Yvette Benno-Leinola
731 9501